welcome message for friend

Friends are an important part and parcel of one’s life. The welcome wishes for a friend shows the cordial nature of the sender and makes the friend feel he is cared for and loved. The welcome wishes for the friend can be sent to welcome him or her on any occasion or for welcoming the friend to the home. Sending text messages or beautiful cards with welcome wishes and also sending gifts to the friend along with it are a good way of sending welcome wishes to he friends. Here you will find welcome message for friend, Short Welcome Messages for Friends, Welcome Messages for Guests, Best Welcome Messages.

welcome message for friend

welcome message for friend
welcome message for friend
  • Dear friend, welcome! Nothing was the same without you during your absence!
  • Welcome back, my dear friend. I missed you like crazy in your absence, and I can’t wait to spend quality time with you. Let’s catch up! Shall we?
  • Friend, I welcome you with abundant joy in my heart! You are so special to me!
  • Nothing beats the warmth of a friend’s presence in your life. Welcome, buddy!
  • We are very happy to see you. We all eagerly wait to have you among us this time of the year. Welcome to our happy family!
  • In your absence, I learned how your contagious laughter and silly jokes brought entertainment into my life. I am ecstatic to have you back home and look forward to continuing our fun time from where we left off! Welcome, my buddy.
  • I am delighted to welcome you, mate. I cherished our memories while you were gone. Now, let’s create more. I missed you loads.
  • When you weren’t around, I didn’t realize how much your laughter and jokes brightened my day. I’m so happy you’re home. Time to pick up where we left off with our fun. My friend, welcome.
  • I’m glad to have you here, mate. While you were gone, I held on to the good times we shared. I really missed you.

Short Welcome Messages for Friends

  • Welcome, dear friend! Days aren’t the same when you’re not around!
  • To my special someone, here’s a warm welcome just for you! Know that I am filled with joy having you today!
  • Your presence brings warmth to my heart. Welcome, buddy!
  • Today is going to be great for you are here! Welcome, and let’s get this party started!
  • Time to create memories! Welcome, and glad you are here today!
  • We are so happy to have you. We have longed to see you this year. Now that you’re finally here, we welcome you!

Welcome Messages for Guests

  • Welcome to our household! We are so thrilled to have you come to our home.
  • We are so excited to create fun and loving memories with you! Welcome to our home!
  • Glad to have you back! Your visits mean a lot to us, and we want you to know that you bring joy to our family.
  • Greetings with joy! We are delighted to have you, and we hope you will have a great stay with us!
  • We are so happy that you finally decided to vacation here! Welcome to our home!
  • Having you as a guest in our house brings us good fortune. This is one of those fortunate events we will treasure the most! Welcome, dear!
  • Having you in the holidays is always the best, whether as a host or as a guest… On my end, I am the happiest if you’d be the latter! Welcome to our home!

Best Welcome Messages

  • We welcome you warmly today! Seeing you here with us is a pleasure!
  • You will surely be a great addition to our roster. Welcome to the company!
  • We are honored to have an amazing person like you from whom we can learn tons. Welcome to the group!
  • My life will be at its best now that I have met you. I know that you will greatly influence me to be a better person. I would like to welcome you, and please know how happy I am to be with you.
  • Our hearts are filled with delight, for we finally have you with us! We are so glad to have you here with us today.
  • Our doors are widely opened to welcome you all to our housewarming party. Your presence is indeed a pleasure for us!
  • We welcome you to our team, Boss! We look forward to working with and being mentored by you!
  • We give you a warm welcome! I hope you will find us productive and helpful as you plan for our betterment. So glad to include you on our team.
  • Your presence today means a lot. Welcome! We hope you will find your stay to be worthwhile.
  • Lovely to meet your acquaintance! Welcome aboard! We can’t wait to start making great things happen with you.
  • Nothing can bring us more pleasure than giving you the service you deserve! Welcome to our place, and we are grateful for your stay with us!
  • We extend our heartfelt congratulations on joining our team. Welcome, and we look forward to working wonders with you!
  • We are honored by your visit to our humble abode! Please make yourself at home for you are family. Welcome!
  • I would like to let you know that out of the many people in the world, you are the closest to my heart. Thank you for being here. We are so happy to have you.
  • We are glad to have you onboard! Please accept our happiest greetings on your first day!
  • Welcome, team player! We look forward to collaborating with you as we journey on toward success!
  • We have always known you as a great person filled with positivity. We are happy to know you will move in with us! Welcome to your new home!
  • We do hope you will enjoy our bonding moments today! Welcome, dear guest, to our humble home!
  • We look forward to working with you! Please do not worry. We will support you all the way. Welcome to our company!
  • We are grateful to have you with us! Make yourself at home!