dua for getting married soon to a good husband

Everyone wants to get married as it’s a part of life which will make us happy and give us companionship and love throughout our life. Every Muslim understands the fact that duas are supplications that we read to fulfill our wishes. One of the biggest wishes in the life of any human is getting married. At some point in life, we all wish to find a companion who will be with us for the rest of our lives. Different people face different problems in getting married. In this article you will find dua for getting married soon to a good husband , dua to get married , dua for a good husband and authentic dua for marriage.

dua for getting married soon to a good husband

Getting confused finding a good husband for us? It is recommended you have to perform dua to get a good husband. When a woman has already in a productive age, they need a person to share with and together reaching the goal of life. There are the following dua in finding a good husband:

dua for getting married soon to a good husband
dua for getting married soon to a good husband

Quran 2:201 Al Baqara

“Rabbanaa aatinaa fidunyaa hasana, wa fil aakhirati hasana, wa qinaa azaabannaar

“Our Lord! Give unto us in the world that which is good and in the Hereafter that which is good, and guard us from the doom of Fire.”

Quran 28 : 24 Al Qasas

“Rabbi inni lima anzalta ilayya min kharyin faqeer”

“My Lord, I am ever needful of any favor that You may send my way”

dua to get married

Finding a good proposal for girls and boys both have become a nightmare for parents. It is not about the ‘best’ proposal all the time, but yes parents wait for the right people to come. It makes them nervous and worried if the marriage proposals keep delaying due to any reason. In such circumstances, Muslims should never forget that only Allah Almighty knows the right time for the things to happen but we should not lose hope and pray to Him for the best. here dua to get married.

dua to get married
dua to get married

Quran 89:21 (An Anbiya)

“Rabbi la tadharnia fardana wa’anta khayrul waritheen

“O my Lord do not let me live alone and You are the Most Excellent Inheritor.”

According to hadith narrated by Tirmidhi

“Allahumma aghnini bi halalika `an haramika wa bi ta`atika `an ma`siyatika wa bi fadlika `amman siwaka”.

“O Allah, make me self-sufficient with what You have declared as halal for me so that I am not compelled to resort to that which is haram; and make me self-sufficient with Your obedience so that I am not compelled to disobey You; and make me self-sufficient with Your favor so that I do not need to look to others for favor”.

dua for a good husband

Rabbi hablee min ladunka zaujan tayyiban wayakoonaa sahiban lee fiddeeni wadunyaa wal aahirat

O Lord, give me the best husband from your side, the husband who also became my best friend in the affairs of religion, world affairs & the hereafter

Related:dua for my husband

authentic dua for marriage

authentic dua for marriage
authentic dua for marriage

Dua narrated by Imam Ali

“Allahuma arzuqniy zawjatan wadudaan waludaan shakuraan ghayuraan ‘iin ‘ahsant shakarat w ‘iin ‘asat ghafarat wa ‘iin dhakart allah taealaa ‘aeanat w ‘iin nasiyt dhakarat w ‘iin kharajt min eindiha hafizat wa ‘iin dakhalt ealayha surat w ‘iin ‘amartuha ‘ataeatniy w ‘iin ‘aqsamt ealayha ‘abarat qasamiy wa ‘iin ghadibt ealayha ‘ardatniy ya dha aljalal w al’iikram hab liy dhalik fa’iinama ‘as’alukah wa la akhidh aila ma manant wa a’taayt”

“O Allah, bless me, a friendly wife, and thank You for Your gratitude, if I have done well, thank you, and if I have sinned, forgive me, and if you remember God, I have helped you. If you forgot, I remembered, and if I went out of her, I saved her, and if I entered her, I passed by her and ordered her to obey me. Glory and Glory to Him I ask Him and take only what I give and give”

QS Al Furqan 25:74

“Rabbanaa hablanaa min azwajinaa wa zureeyatinaa qurataa a’yunee waj’alnaa lil muttaqeena imaama”.

“Our Lord, grant us from among our wives/ husband and offspring comfort to our eyes and make us an example for the righteous.”