Quotes about gifts received

veryone loves to receive gifts and presents, but sometimes it can be hard to find the right words to fully express our gratitude without sounding trite or – worse – insincere. Its time to say thank you and express your gratitude for receiving a gift from your dear ones. This article includes Quotes about gifts received, thank you quotes for gifts, thank you message for gift, thank you note for gift.

Quotes about gifts received

Here are some wonderful thank you quotes and sayings to help and inspire you in the task of writing thank you notes for gifts.

Quotes about gifts received
Quotes about gifts received
  • How beautiful a day can be, when kindness touches it! George Elliston (1883-1946), American journalist
  • The heart of the giver makes the gift dear and precious. Martin Luther (1483-1546), German priest & religious reformer
  • Every gift from a friend is a wish for your happiness. Richard Bach (b. 1936), American writer
  • A hug is the perfect gift – one size fits all, and nobody minds if you exchange it. Attributed to Ivern Ball
  • Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart. A.A. Milne (1882-1956), English author of the Winnie-the-Pooh books
  • It isn’t the size of the gift that matters, but the size of the heart that gives it. Eileen Elias Freeman, American author of Touched by Angels
  • Of gifts, there seems none more becoming to offer a friend than a beautiful book. Amos Bronson Alcott (1799-1888), American teacher, writer, philosopher reformer
  • A book is a gift you can open again and again. Garrison Keillor (b. 1942), American author, humorist & radio broadcaster
  • Gratitude is one of the least articulate of the emotions, especially when it is deep. Felix Frankfurter (1882-1965), American Supreme Court Justice

thank you quotes for gifts

  • Your gift is something that I will always treasure. Thank you for it!
  • Your lovely gift has made my day incredibly special. Thank you for being so kind!
  • I know that the value of a gift should never be measured by its price tag. But I have to admit that a hefty price tag sure does add charisma and charm to a gift which is exactly what I would want – and yours is exactly what I am talking about. Thanks.
  • I am so touched to receive this thoughtful gift from you. It means the world to me. Thanks!
  • You are amazing, and so is the gift you’ve picked for me. Thank you for this sweet piece of memory!
  • Just wanted you to know that I really appreciate all the trouble you took to get me such a wonderful gift. Thanks a ton.
  • I appreciate your gift-giving skills. I am sure that you get a lot of practice, being as generous as you are.
  • I’m really amazed by the gift that you’ve sent me. Accept my heartfelt gratitude for it, dear.

thank you message for gift

  • Thank you so much for your beautiful gift. I really love it! Thanks a lot!
  • I’m so grateful for the wonderful gift you’ve given me. I will always cherish it. Thank you!
  • Your gift is just as nice as your heart is! I loved it, thanks a lot!
  • Thank you for the lovely gift. Thanks for always touching my heart with your little gestures. I love you.
  • Thank you for giving me (gift item name). I feel so loved because of the thought and time you put into this gift.
  • Thank you for making my special day even more special with your presence and amazing gift. You mean so much to me.
  • Thank you so much for such a wonderful and thoughtful gift!
  • You have no idea how happy I am after receiving it. Thank you for the surprise gift!
  • Thank you for the lovely gift, dear friend. May you always be blessed and happy.
  • This gift shows how much you know and understand me. Thank you for the surprise gift my love.
  • There is no better present than this one, Honey. Thank you, dear, for loving me so much and being such a great husband.
  • I’m really overwhelmed that you are thinking of me on my {occasion name} and sending me a present. I will hold onto it with almost as much care as I do for you.
  • Thank you so much for sending me such a lovely and meaningful gift on this special day. Your gift made today even more special. Thanks a ton again.
  • I don’t know how to express all the gratefulness that I am feeling after receiving this gift from you. Thank you for this lovely present!
  • Thank you for the gift that you have chosen for me. Just wanted to say a heartfelt thank you for this amazing gift.
  • Thank you for this awesome gift. I’m truly amazed to receive it and I am forever grateful for the joy you’ve given me.
  • You made me feel so special when I opened your gift. I knew that you spent time, effort, and energy to make sure it was awesome, and it was just that. Thank you.
  • Thanks for this lovely gift and also for the love and blessing you shower upon us and our future life! You are the best!
  • You really chose the perfect gift for me and I am so touched! Thanks for the gift!

thank you note for gift

  • I wish to give you so much more than just a thank you note for the beautiful gift you gave me. I absolutely love it. But as for now thank you.
  • Thank you, thank you, thank you. Your gift meant the world to me but not only that, I’m thankful to have a friend like you and hope we get to hang out soon.
  • If you hadn’t told me that the gift you had given to me was handmade, I would have totally thought you bought it from an expensive store. Thanks for being so amazing.
  • A wonderful thanks for your lovely gift. It’s not the gift that is important in life. It is the love that is behind that gift, I felt your love and I am thankful to you for such a lovely gift. Thank you so much.
  • A gift speaks volumes of a person’s personality, generosity, and creativity. Your gift suggests that you have a cool personality, you are way too generous and you are creative at heart. Thank you.