dua for your loved ones

As Muslim parents, we constantly worry about the unseen harm that we know exists through our faith and is a real part of everyday life. These harms include the evil eye, jealousy and destructive envy (hasad), devils, jinns and black magic. The Duas below are a special selection of short Duas that protect you and your family throughout the day, every day!In this article you will find dua for your loved ones , dua for protection of loved ones , dua for loved ones health , and dua for loved ones who passed away .

dua for your loved ones

To ensure the safety of your family. You certainly should preserve your family from the evil eye of your enemy and others.

dua for your loved ones
dua for your loved ones

It was narrated that Ibn ‘Abbaas (RA) said: “The Prophet (SAW) used to seek refuge with Allah for al-Hasan and al-Husayn (His grandsons). He said: ‘Your father (Ibraheem AS) used to seek refuge with Allah for (his sons) Ismaa’eel and Ishaaq with these words:

أُعِيذُكَ بِكَلِمَاتِ اللهِ التَّامَّةِ مِنْ كُلِّ شَيْطَانٍ ، وَهَامَّةٍ ، وَمِنْ كُلِّ عَيْنٍ لَامَّةٍ

A’oodhu bi kalimaat Allaah al-taammah min kulli shaytaanin wa haammah wa min kulli ‘aynin laammah

“I seek refuge in the perfect words of Allah, from every devil and every poisonous reptile, and from every bad eye.” (Narrated by Bukhari)

“Whoever recites it three times in the morning will not be afflicted by any calamity before evening, and whoever recites it three times in the evening will not be overtaken by any calamity before morning.”

بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الَّذِي لَا يَضُرُّ مَعَ اسْمِهِ شَيْءٌ فِي الْأَرْضِ وَلَا فِي السَّمَاءِ وَهُوَ السَّمِيعُ الْعَلِيمُ

Bismillahilladhi la yadurru ma’ ismihi shai’un fil-ardi wa-laa fissamaa’i wa huwa al-Samee’u al-‘Aleem

“In the Name of Allah, with Whose Name nothing on the earth or in the heaven can cause harm, and He is the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing.” (Narrated by Ahmad)

dua for protection of loved ones

Here are a few Dua from Sunnah and Qur’an. These are most noteworthy due for protection of the family. Hence The Dua must be shared with all the family members.

Dua 1:

A’oodhubilLaahi min ash-Shaytaani-Rajeem

The Dua means that I am seeking refuge with Allah from Shaytan the Accursed. It is taken from Qur’an, Surah Nahl, Ayat 98

Dua 2:

Bismilaahiarqeeka min kullishay’inyudheeka, min sharrikullinafsin aw ‘ayninhaasidAllahuyashfeek, bismillaahiarqeek

This Dua means; in the name of Allah, I am performing raqyah for you. So may Allah heal you from everything that is harming you. From every soul or envious eye, Allah may heal you. With the name of Allah, I perform ruqyah for you.

Dua 3:

A’oodhu bi kalimaatAllaah al taammah min kullishaytaaninwahaammahwa min kulli ‘ayninlaammah

Which means: I am seeking refuge in this perfect world of Allah, from every devil and every poisonous reptile, and every evil eye.

Related:dua for evil eye

dua for loved ones health

There is no specified Dua in Quran or Sunna to say for your family. However, this post will help you to say Dua for your family in the best way by reciting Dua for the family in Arabic with English transliteration and translation.

These Duas are said by Arab Muslims and not in Quran or Sunna as there isn’t a specific Dua for that.

  • اللهم إني أدعوك باسمك الواحد الأحد الفرد الصمد، وأدعوك باسمك الأعظم الذي إذا دُعيت به أجبت، وإذا سُئلت به أعطيت، أن تمنن عليَّ بصلاح أحوال أهلي وذريتي –
  • allahuma ‘iiniy ‘adeuk biasmik alwahid al’ahad alfard alsamad wa’adeuk biasmik al’aezam aladhi dueyt bih ‘ajabt wa’iidha suylt ‘uetit ‘an taslih ‘ahwal ‘ahli wadhuriyati.
  • اللهم امدد في أعمارهم مع الصحة والعافية في طاعتك ورضاك، اللهم عافهم فِي أبدانهم وأسماعهم وأبصارهم وأنفسهم وجوارحهم، واجعلهم من المعافين من البلاء برحمتك يا أرحم الراحمين. اللهم اجعلهم من السعداء الأتقياء الأنقياء الأغنياء الأسخياء الحلماء الرحماء العلماء الأصحاء، اللهم اجعل مخافتك في قلوبهم، واجعل مراقبة سمعك وبصرك أمام أعينهم وفي أقوالهم وأفعالهم وحركاتهم وسكناتهم، رب آت كلاً منهم مايتمناه ومايشتهيه مما تحبه وترضاه. اللهم حبب إليهم الإيمان وزينه في قلوبهم، وكرِّه إليهم الكفر والفسوق والعصيان، واجعلهم من الراشدين، فضلاً منك ونعمة وأنت خير الرازقين.
  • allahuma amdid fi ‘aemarihim mae alsihat waleafiat fi taeatik waridaka, allahumm eafahum fi ‘abdanihim wa’asmaeihim wa’absarihim wa’anfusihim wajawarihihim, waijealhum min almueafin min albala’ birahmatik ya ‘arham alraahimina. allahuma ajealahum min alsueada’ al’atqia’ al’anqia’ al’aghnia’ al’askhia’ alhulma’ alruhama’ aleulama’ al’asihaa’i, allahuma ajeal makhafatak fi qulubihim, waijeal muraqabat sameik wabasarik ‘amam ‘aeyunihim wafi ‘aqwalihim wa’afealihim waharakatihim wasakanatihim, rab at klaan minhum mayatimnah wamayashtahih mimaa tuhibuh watardahu. allahuma habab ‘iilayhim al’iiman wazaynah fi qulubihim, wkrih ‘iilayhim alkufr walfusuq waleisyani, wajealhum min alraashidina, fdlaan mink waniematan wa’ant khayr alraaziqina.

dua for loved ones who passed away

When a loved one returns back to Allah, it is undeniable that we experience a range of emotions under grief.

When someone dies in muslim religion, immediately they perform Dua. All the loved ones recite “Inna Lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji’un” meaning, Indeed we belong to Allah, and indeed to him we will return. This is directly taken from the Quran in the second Surah – Al-Baqarah. These words indicate that this prayer can be recited in any situation from death to facing disasters.

1, Dua for the deceased :

“Allaahummaghfir li (name of the person) warfa’ darajatahu fil-mahdiyyeena, wakhlufhu fee ‘aqibihi fil-ghaabireena , waghfir-lanaa wa lahu yaa Rabbal-‘aalameena, wafsah lahu fee qabrihi wa nawwir lahu feehi”

Translation: O Allah, forgive [name of the person] and elevate his station among those who are guided. Send him along the path of those who came before, and forgive us and him, O Lord of the worlds. Enlarge for him his grave and shed light upon him in it.

2, Dua for their forgiveness

Allaahum-maghfir lihayyinaa, wa mayyitinaa, wa shaahidinaa, wa ghaa’ibinaa, wa sagheerinaa wa kabeerinaa, wa thakarinaa wa ‘unthaanaa. Allaahumma man ‘ahyaytahu minnaa fa’ahyihi ‘alal-‘Islaami, wa man tawaffaytahu minnaa fatawaffahu ‘alal-‘eemaani, Allaahumma laa tahrimnaa ‘ajrahu wa laa tudhillanaa ba’dahu

Translation: O Allah forgive our living and our dead, those who are with us and those who are absent, our young and our old, our menfolk and our womenfolk. O Allah, whomever you give life from among us give him life in Islam, and whomever you take way from us take him away in Faith. O Allah, do not forbid us their reward and do not send us astray after them.

3, Dua for mercy and better in the hereafter

Allaahum-maghfir lahu warhamhu, wa ‘aafihi, wa’fu ‘anhu, wa ‘akrim nuzulahu, wa wassi’ mudkhalahu, waghsilhu bilmaa’i waththalji walbaradi, wa naqqihi minal-khataayaa kamaa naqqaytath-thawbal-‘abyadha minad-danasi, wa ‘abdilhu daaran khayran min daarihi, wa ‘ahlan khayran min ‘ahlihi, wa zawjan khayran min zawjihi, wa ‘adkhilhul-jannata, wa. ‘a’ithhu min ‘athaabil-qabri

Translation: O Allah, forgive them and have mercy on them and give them strength and pardon them. Be generous to them and cause their entrance to be wide and wash them with water and snow and hail. Cleanse them of their transgressions as white cloth is cleansed of stains. Give them an abode better than their home, and a family better than their family and a spouse better than their spouse. Take them into Paradise and protect them from the punishment of the grave.