تعبير عن هواية التصوير بالانجليزي قصير

يقدم لكم موقع لينك بلس أقوى تعبير عن هواية التصوير بالانجليزي قصير ، و تعبير عن هواية القراءة بالانجليزي قصير ، و تعبير عن هواية الرسم بالانجليزي قصير ، و تعبير عن هواية الطبخ بالانجليزي قصير ، و تعبير عن هواية المشي بالانجليزي ، و تعبير عن هوايتي المفضلة بالانجليزي ، و تعبير عن هواية بالانجليزي قصير ، و ما هي أنواع الهوايات؟ ، و كيف اعبر عن نفسي في المقابلة الشخصية؟ ، و كيف يمكن ان تصف نفسك؟ ، فتابعونا.

تعبير عن هواية التصوير بالانجليزي قصير

نموذج تعبير عن هواية التصوير بالانجليزي قصير ، قديمًا كانت هواية التصوير من أكثر الهوايات التي يحبها الناس، وبالأخص الأطفال حيث كنا نتمنى أن نلتقط ولو صورة واحدة.

تعبير عن هواية التصوير بالانجليزي قصير تعبير عن هواية التصوير بالانجليزي قصير
تعبير عن هواية التصوير بالانجليزي قصير

My name is Mohamed Alaa, I live with my family in Hurghada.

Hurghada is characterized by its charming scenery, especially the seashore and golden sands.

When I found myself surrounded by this enchanting nature, I felt I had to photograph this beauty myself In fact, I bought my own camera to use for this purpose.

Years passed and photography became my favorite hobby, so I post the photos I take on social media.

This is in order for a large number of people to see it, to be able to witness the beautiful scenery that they have not seen before.

Photography is a beautiful profession and it begins with a hobby practiced by young men and women at an early age, but with time it becomes their successful profession.

قد يهمك :

تعبير عن هواية القراءة بالانجليزي قصير

نموذج تعبير عن هواية القراءة بالانجليزي قصير :

I think that this paragraph will be helpful to help the readers know about the benefits of reading.

Each of us has their own specific like which would turn to be our hobbies in the long run. People have many different kinds of hobbies like singing, gardening, painting, cooking, and many more.

My favourite hobby is reading. I enjoy reading a book when I am free I started to do it when I was ten years old. The first time I did it, I felt interested. So I kept reading.

When I was a kid I used to read lots of small story books. But as I grew my choice also grew and now I like reading more of books and articles that gives me more information and knowledge. Now, I read novels, adventure stories, poems, essays etc.

I read at least one hour every day. I usually read my favorite books at home or in the garden to feel calm.

Books provide me with many information and facts in my life Reading provides me with many benefits. First, it did help me in getting my language and vocabulary to a very good level when compared to my friends who does not have the habit of reading.

Not only language but spellings, grammar, punctuation and all that Arabic language has, I could master through reading.

Second, Reading has given me immense awareness of so many things around me. Third, it can make me relaxed and calm. In addition to that, it can give me an unlimited imagination, so I can write books in the future. I can learn the different cultures and customs of other countries in the world too.

Moreover, books are our best friends, it never allow the feeling of loneliness. But a caution about the books is necessary. According to our age, we should read only useful books on appropriate subjects.

So anyone must have a hobby that gives pleasure, knowledge and removes the pangs of loneliness, such as reading.

At the end, I can say that all hobbies have advantages and disadvantages equally, but reading is one which has more of advantages than disadvantages.

I would personally recommend that all of us should cultivate the habit of reading as there is no other better source of keeping one aware. Reading is a great hobby that I am proud to be possessing and I am just in love with it.

تعبير عن هواية الرسم بالانجليزي قصير

يعتبر الرسم من اجمل الاشياء التي يمكن من خلالها التعبير عن الجمال باستخدام العديد من الالوان والادوات . وهنا سنتعرف على العديد من المعلومات عن هواية الرسم من خلال تعبير عن هواية الرسم بالانجليزي.

Drawing is one of the most important and prominent arts at all. It is considered one of the fine arts, in addition to being a major part of the seven arts, which includes sculpture, coloring, music, dance, poetry and cinema.

The drawing can be defined as a plastic expression in which a painter has to create a relationship on one of the surfaces, so that he or she can express anything using the line, or the spots, for example, and drawing has great importance.

Drawing is an important expressionist tool that can be used to express the various ideas that are in the human mind, making it has a great influence on everyone who sees and interact with it visually.

May sometimes be an important expression of some of the events that occurred during the period in which the painter lived, the painting can show the cases of victory, bloody, determination, failure, treachery, abandonment, and all human historical situations.

Is considered an embodiment of beauty, where this art is one of the best arts that can express beauty in an attractive and beautiful way using fonts and colors and many other tools, especially imagination and thought.

Drawing increases creativity, activates the brain and helps people to have a beautiful mind. It is considered a means of resistance against the occupiers as happens in Palestine, where exhibitions are held here and there in order to make the world know the crimes of the occupation army.

تعبير عن هواية الطبخ بالانجليزي قصير

ان هواية الطبخ هواية مفضلة للبنات، فنجد ان معظم البنات يساعدن امهاتهن في اعداد الطعام، ومن هنا تبدأ لهن ممارسة هواية الطبخ.

The hobby of cooking is a favorite hobby for girls. We find that most of the girls help their mothers in preparing food, and from here they begin to practice the hobby of cooking.

The encouragement of family members when the girl prepares her first meal plays a big role in her love for cooking.

Recently, the cooking programs presented on the various TV channels have contributed to teaching the basics of cooking and its arts. We find that girls are now cooking distinct food, beautiful in shape and delicious taste.

There are middle schools, colleges and institutes to teach cooking. We also find that many young males enroll in these colleges and are achieving great success.

And when he graduates from these universities, he works in luxury hotels and becomes a famous chef. This is because when the hobby combined with the study makes the student very distinct.

I love cooking, it’s my favorite hobby. In the future, I will enroll in the College of Tourism and Hotels, in order to learn cooking arts especially modern ones.

تعبير عن هواية المشي بالانجليزي

نموذج تعبير عن هواية المشي بالانجليزي :

Walking is one of the most important things that can benefit your body, This is because of its positive benefits to the health of the body and mind , all what you need is to exercise for only half an hour every day.

Walking has many benefits such as: Keeps your body healthy for longer; research has shown that individuals who commit to regular walking often have fewer deaths among them, They are also less likely to have cancer or strokes.

Walking also has a great role in Excess weight loss: Walking is one of the most important types of sports that eliminates excess weight.

Reduces the risk of cancer: Studies have indicated that the sport of walking regularly with some sports exercises reduce the exposure to some cancers such as breast cancer and colon.

Reduces the risk of diabetes; walking for half an hour daily reduces the chances of exposure to type II diabetes.

Reduces the risk of heart attack and heart disease: Walking is one of the most important activities that stimulate the circulation of blood within the body.

Strengthens memory and improving brain function; Research has shown that 45-minute walking daily improves memory and significantly increases mental capacity.

Reduces the pressure and tension: The sport of walking with some exercise exercises increase the production of endorphins, and this substance is necessary for the body and working to reduce physical pressure and reduce the sense of anxiety and tension.

Walking is one of the simple things that makes a person feels happy and comfortable, and you can practice it any time you want and anywhere, all that will require comfortable shoes for the feet and comfortable loose clothes.

تعبير عن هوايتي المفضلة بالانجليزي

نموذج تعبير عن هوايتي المفضلة بالانجليزي :

Favorite hobbies differ from one person to another, as each person tends to a certain type of hobbies that are compatible with his personality and his inner essence, and in order for the grains of a person’s knowledge contract to be complete

he must read, as it is the best path that transfers him from the darkness of ignorance to the light of knowledge. And knowledge, reading is the food of the mind and the soul, in addition to that it contains many answers about those questions lingering in the mind.

The love of reading began to fascinate me since childhood, when my father used to bring magazines and books from time to time, to fill his spare time reading them, My father’s act attracted me a lot, and I

always tried to imitate him until reading became one of my most interests, and my father began to allocate books for me that were suitable for my age at the time, I read it on my days off, until I grew up and began to go to the library and choose what I like myself, to plunge into my beautiful world after completing my studies.

Diving into the world of reading is very interesting, and whenever you think that you become familiar with a certain matter, it opens new doors for you, wider and more spacious, that you can only discover through the gates of reading and reading, so I consider it one of the most important hobbies, but rather that it is one of the necessities that a person must always practice.

Acquiring new information works to develop skills and capabilities, as it improves human behavior and refines himself, in addition to that the reading society is a civilized society in which noble morals prevail over bad and abnormal behaviors

The Islamic religion commanded us to read, and it was the first message that was sent down to the Holy Prophet urging reading, so reading and contemplation is the secret of reaching God Almighty, and worshiping Him is the right to worship

and it is one of the best ways to build a sophisticated and developed society as it develops the mind and gives people an opportunity to learn about the cultures and civilizations of societies the other to teach each other what is beneficial and beneficial to all.

تعبير عن هواية بالانجليزي قصير

نموذج تعبير عن هواية بالانجليزي قصير :

I am Tariq, I am 14 years old, I am a middle school student and I live with my father in a small apartment in the building opposite the school. I am a social person and I never like isolation and spend most of my time with my father and mother or with my friends.

I aspire to be a successful doctor in the future, so I love the subject Science a lot, and I love reading books that explain about the human body, besides my hobby in medicine and reading medical books and articles

I also love reading novels, it transports me to another world, and I read a novel every month, in addition to that I like to play football with my friends and go out to play every week.

ما هي أنواع الهوايات؟

يوجد عدداً من الهوايات المختلفة و منها :

  • هواية جمع الطوابع علاوة على العملات القديمة .
  • هواية الغناء أو الإلقاء .
  • هواية السباحة أو الغطس تحت الماء .
  • هواية تجويد القرآن الكريم .
  • هواية السفر أو الترحال من مكان إلى أخر .
  • هواية تسلق الجبال .
  • هواية لعب كرة القدم .
  • هواية الشعر أو الكتابة أو النثر .
  • هواية الرسم بأنواعه ، و أشكاله المتعددة .
  • هواية التمثيل أو الإخراج أو التأليف القصصي .
  • هواية حل المسائل الرياضية المعقدة .
  • هواية حل الكلمات المتقاطعة .
  • هواية الخياطة .
  • هواية لعب كرة السلة .
  • هواية القراءة ، و الإطلاع بأنواعه .
  • هواية تربية الحيوانات الأليفة بأنواعها .