تدريبات على whose

يقدم لكم موقع لينك بلس في هذا المقال تدريبات على whose ، و تمارين على Relative pronouns ، و تمارين على ضمائر الوصل في اللغة الانجليزية ، و تدريبات على relative clauses ، هي الضمائر التي تربط بين الجملة الوصفيه والاسم الموصوف ( بمعنى تعود على الاسم الذي تم وصفه في الجملة الثانيه ) وضمائر الوصل هي (who , whom , that , whose) وتستخدم لربط جملتين بسيطتين لتحويلهما الى جمله معقده وسنتناول هنا كل واحده بالتفصيل وكيفة ربط جمليتين .

تدريبات على whose

فيما يلي تدريبات على whose:

تدريبات على whose
تدريبات على whose

Decide whether who or whose is used.

  1. He knows the girl …………. has three dogs.
  2. This is Gerry …………. saw a rabbit in our garden.
  3. This is John …………. laptop was stolen this morning.
  4. Mrs Miller, …………. father is a painter, came to New York in 1950.
  5. I talked to the man …………. lives in High Street.
  6. James Watt was an inventor …………. ideas changed the world.
  7. Doris is the lady …………. got the first prize.
  8. Ethan, …………. is Isabella’s boyfriend, plays badminton.
  9. What do you call someone …………. lives in Texas?
  10. The Smiths, …………. son went to the USA, are selling their house.

الإجابة الصحيحة

  1. He knows the girl who has three dogs.
  2. This is Gerry who saw a rabbit in our garden.
  3. This is John whose laptop was stolen this morning.
  4. Mrs Miller, whose father is a painter, came to New York in 1950.
  5. I talked to the man who lives in High Street.
  6. James Watt was an inventor whose ideas changed the world.
  7. Doris is the lady who got the first prize.
  8. Ethan, who is Isabella’s boyfriend, plays badminton.
  9. What do you call someone who lives in Texas?
  10. The Smiths, whose son went to the USA, are selling their house.

تمارين على Relative pronouns

فيما يلي تمارين على Relative pronouns:

تمارين على Relative pronouns
تمارين على Relative pronouns

تمارين على ضمائر الوصل في اللغة الانجليزية

Choose one of the following relative pronouns who, which or whose :

1 I talked to the girl car had broken down in front of the shop.

2 Mr Richards, is a taxi driver, lives on the corner.

3 I live in a house in Norwich, is in East Anglia.

4 This is the girl comes from Spain.

5 That’s Peter, the boy has just arrived at the airport.

6 Thank you very much for your e-mail, was very interesting.

7 The man, father is a professor, forgot his umbrella.

8 The children shouted in the street are not from our school.

9 The car, driver is a young man, is from Ireland.

10 What did you do with the money your mother lent you?


  1. whose.
  2. who .
  3. which.
  4. who .
  5. who .
  6. which .
  7. whose .
  8. who .
  9. whose .
  10. which

تدريبات على relative clauses

تدريبات على relative clauses:

تدريبات على relative clauses
تدريبات على relative clauses