تدريبات على since for

يقدم لكم موقع لينك بلس في هذا المقال تدريبات على since for ، و اختبار عن for و since ، و ورقة عمل عن since For ، و تمارين على since and for ، شرح قاعدة since for ، For و Since كلمتان تأتيان للتحدث عن الوقت. وقد يبدوان لأول وهلة بنفس لمعنى إلا ان الجملة التي تلي كل واحدة منهما لها شكل وتركيب مختلف. كما أن زمن الجملة مختلف من واحدة للأخرى.

تدريبات على since for

فيما يلي تدريبات على since for:

تدريبات على since for
تدريبات على since for

Choose the correct answer: since or for?

  1. I have lived in London ………. three years.
  2. Leila has been a nurse ………. 1999.
  3. We haven’t met ………. our last year at high school.
  4. I have been teaching ………. a long time.
  5. The kids have been on vacation……… two weeks.
  6. What have you been doing ………. you left your last job?
  7. He has had his new laptop ………. a month.
  8. Where have you been working ………. you had your master’s degree?
  9. The shop has been closed ………. Monday.
  10. He has known her ………. they were five years old.


  1. I have lived in London for three years.
  2. Leila has been a nurse since 1999.
  3. We haven’t met since our last year at high school.
  4. I have been teaching for a long time.
  5. The kids have been on vacation for two weeks.
  6. What have you been doing since you left your last job?
  7. He has had his new laptop for a month.
  8. Where have you been working since you had your master’s degree?
  9. The shop has been closed since Monday.
  10. He has known her since they were five years old.

اختبار عن for و since

اختبار عن for و since من هنا

قد يهمك:

ورقة عمل عن since For

ورقة عمل عن since For:

ورقة عمل عن since For
ورقة عمل عن since For

تمارين على since and for

1. They have been living in Madrid 1972.

2. He has been in prison four years.

3. He has known about the fact a long time.

4. Conditions have changed a lot we were children.

5. Our teacher has been very ill the last month.

6. I haven’t eaten anything twenty-four hours.

7. In fact he is always very rude. We have been waiting for him half an hour.

8. I haven’t seen him for three years. It is because I haven’t been there I left school.

9. I have been trying to mend this old fashioned car hours.

10. One of my friends has been teaching in Tokyo three years. I haven’t met him since last year.

شرح قاعدة since for

شرح قاعدة since for